Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013

Weekly Greetings,

Despite only four days last week, we accomplished a lot. We are fortunate to have to have two great helpers in our class every morning and as you can see in the photo to follow, the kindergarten really enjoy their morning Math activities.
We are also pleased that twice a month, the students get a visit from the district councilor on Friday mornings. She always has a positive message for the group.
 In addition, every Friday morning the district Music teacher shares fun songs with the whole class.
 Last Friday was our Show and Tell day and a few students remembered to bring something to share. A couple students are even using the "All About Me" bag that I gave each student at the start of the school year.

As always, we will move forward in grade level concepts for Math and Language Arts. On Friday, I would like to take the class on a Fall Outing  to explore seasonal changes. I will be sending home a permission slip in a few days. I will be attaching a Scholastic book club form with Monday nights homework, and if you are interested in ordering any books for your child. Please send the completed order form back with money to cover the costs, and I will send it into the company as a class order.

Please look for nightly homework and remember that students cannot participate on gym nights if they have not turned in their homework.

Have an awesome week!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013

Weekly Greetings!
I hope you enjoyed the extra day with your child on Monday. Last week flew by, and due to many needed interruptions concerning TB testing and the 2nd grade MAP testing among other things, so I did not get a chance to relax and snap pictures during the week. This week the teacher in-service will make for a short week in the classroom, but there will still be a Spelling test for the 1st and 2nd graders on Friday. Listed below are some guidelines for you to help your child study the weekly list that will go home nightly.
Have them:
 1. LOOK at the word.
2. SAY the word.
3. STUDY the letters in the word.
4. WRITE the word.
 Also, be sure to read the special letter that will be sent with my weekly letter that explains the concepts covered for the week.  In addition, there will be grade level readers for you to help them read throughout the week. They can keep those at home to reread and practice.
With the colder weather, please remember to send your child with warm clothes and shoes. Occasionally, I would like to take the class outside to do special things but a number of students are not really dressed for a longer time out of the building.
On Friday, we will be having Show and Tell and I encourage you to help your child find something to share about and bring it in there "All About Me" bag.
Stay well and have a safe week.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 15, 2013

Weekly Greetings,

 I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and that you could truly enjoy the fall weather that was so crisp and  beautiful!

Last week was full of activity. We finally had all the Kindergarten students in class for the week, so I captured a photo of them completing their "K" puzzle.
Now, each grade has their puzzle laminated and displayed on the back of our classroom door stating that "We All Fit Together". All the students are starting to settle into an understanding of how we can all work together as a blend of grades.

I also snapped a full group photo that is in the library area on our "We Are Great Wall". If you have not yet seen it, I will post it here. (This photo is minus 1 student)

We were fortunate to have a visit from Mary Timm, of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, to discuss trees with us on Wednesday afternoon. She had a beautiful tree book that she read to the students and she taught them a fun song about trees.

This week the 2nd graders will be testing on Wednesday and Thursday with a new program adopted by the district. They will start at 9:00am on Wednesday, so please make sure that they are here in time to eat and begin the test on time. The information provided will give us specific areas of strengths and weaknesses for each student, so that instruction can be adjusted to meet each individual need.

Please remember that every week I will continue to send homework home four nights a week. In addition, the 1st and 2nd grades will have new Spelling words each Monday to prepare for the test on Friday. Also, be sure to read the special letter that will be sent each Monday explaining the concepts covered for the week. Your child will do much better in class if you help them practice some of the concepts at home that will be introduced in our daily reading time each week. There will also be grade level readers for you to help them read throughout the week.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sept. 8, 2013

Weekly Greetings!

Last week just flew by, and I needed to go to the eye doctor in Fairbanks on Friday so the week was even shorter for me! I was not able to get pictures of the Kindergarteners working together on their "K" puzzle as
I had hoped because we still had one missing from the group. Hopefully, I will have pictures next week.

I thought I would post the first day photos of each group this week, so you can all see who is in our classroom family of 15 this year. I will start with the six Kindergarteners, minus 1.

Next are the four 1st grade students.

Then there are five 2nd grade students, as the older role models and leaders to the younger students.

 They are an energetic bunch, and I am fortunate to have Ms. Eva and Natalie in for the morning to help out.

This week I will continue to send homework home four nights a week. Please read the special letter for the 1st and 2nd grade that will be sent each Monday explaining the Spelling and vocabulary words for the week. Your child will do much better in class if you help them practice some of the concepts at home that will be introduced in our daily reading time each week. There will also be grade level readers for you to help them read throughout the week.

I hope you have a safe and successful hunting season!

Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2, 2013

Weekly Greetings!

           Last week we finished the Six Keys we need in our class for a successful year. Each day I introduced a new key by reading an age appropriate story that was connected with the focus key. We then talked about what that key could look like in our class. The next step was to create a symbol that represented that key and do a craft that showed a picture of something relating to that key. Finally, the students had a special little treat that symbolized the key. The basic examples of the symbols, treats, and books are:
1.) Safety- The book used was a humorous book called Never Ride Your Elephant to School. We then discussed what it means to have a safe class and things we could do to help each other be safe. For a symbol, we cradled our arms like rocking a baby. The Kindergarten made a craft that was a golden key with a safety ring attached to it. The 1st and 2nd grade students drew themselves doing some of the safe things we discussed, then they drew what it would look like if the broke the safety rule. Life Savers were the treat because we help each other stay safe.

2.) Love and Belonging- The book used was Rainbow Fish. The focus was that fish school and stay together to create a caring community. We discussed what it looks like to have a feeling of love and belonging in our classroom.  For a symbol we crossed our arms as a hug, and younger students created another golden key with a rainbow fish on it.  The 1st and 2nd grade students again made a compare and contrast page of respecting the key, as compared to breaking the rule. A Hershey’s Hug was the treat because we love and care for each other.

3.) Freedom and Independence- The book used was All By Myself.  We talked about how the little boy in the story was learning to do things on his own. The more we can do independently, the more freedoms we can have in our classroom. Then we reflected on how we could model that in our class. For a symbol we used waving our arms to fly like a Superhero, because they are all super students with lots of potential. Each group did a similar craft to remember the key. To celebrate the lesson we enjoyed a Starburst fruit treat because each student is bursting with star power.

4.) Fun and Enjoyment- The book was Amazing Grace. Using Grace’s fun loving experiences, we talked about what it looked like to have fun and be happy in our classroom. For a symbol we used big smiles, and each younger student created another golden key with a smiley face. The 1st and 2nd grade students continued to make a compare and contrast page of respecting the key, as compared to breaking the rule. A Twizzler treat twisted into a smile was used as the treat because when we have fun we smile and are happy.

5.) Valued Purpose- The book used was another Rainbow Fish book called and the main point was that each one of us are special and we will be having valuable learning experiences while in school this year. The craft for the Kindergarten was a golden key with a shell filled with precious treasures in it to tie into the story.  Another compare and contrast page was completed by the 1st and 2nd grade students. For a symbol we patted our hearts because the students are full of gifts and treasure in their hearts that they will discover this year. For the treat they all got a rich Dove chocolate, just like each one of them is full of rich hidden treasure inside.

6.) Success- The book used was The Little Engine That Could. We discussed how to be successful by not giving up and “thinking we can” do things even when it might seem hard. For a symbol we used two thumbs up and again the Kindergarten students made another golden key showing a trophy for success. The 1st and 2nd grades completed the last page for their compare and contrast book. An Almond Joy treat was the special treat for the key because the students will be filled with joy when they succeeded.

When we finished all six keys, we revisited each key and discussed everything the students remembered about what that key will look like in our classroom. Each student will have their own key book to help them remember what is needed for a successful year. Then I read The Hare and the Tortoise, and discussed never giving up despite how impossible something may appear. Each student made a school promise that is recorded on a worksheet with a picture showing themselves keeping their promise. The promises will be posted on the Commitment Wall outside our classroom and displayed all year.

On Friday, each grade group worked together on a cooperative learning activity. We read a book called You Are Special and they were each given a puzzle piece to express what they feel good about doing. There are pictures for the 1st and 2nd grade, but too many Kindergarteners were absent on that day so I will have pictures from their puzzle when they can all complete it.

In addition, everyday during Math the students have an opportunity to work together at the Math Path center, if they have correctly completed their daily assignment early. I have introduced colorful mats for the students to use to help them remember to stay in one location when working together. That way the others can complete their work without distraction, as you can see in the photos to follow.

           This week I will start sending homework home every night through Thursday. On Friday, I will send home the class work that was completed that week for you to review with your child. There will also be a book for you to read to your child to help with their language development. The number one factor in student success is how much a child has been read to at an early age. If the book is returned the next day, then they can pick another one to take home. Some nights there will be a photo copied reader for them to read to you. If your child does their homework every night, then they can pick from the prize box on Friday. This year I also plan to do something special with the students that have done their homework regularly each month.

Have a great week!