On Tuesday, it was wonderful to gather with so many people in the community to share in a wonderful turkey dinner. Thank you to all who came and helped with the cooking. Here are a couple of photos that Mr. Cudney took at the start of the feast.
Since the start of the year, the class has been learning about real and picture graphs. Not only do we graph the weather daily, but we have looked at other things to graph to organize information. With so many students out due to sickness over the last few weeks, we finally had a full class of 10 on Tuesday and updated our class graph. Now that we have a new student, there are 7 boys and 3 girls. After the picture below as taken, the students created a new picture representation of themselves to update the picture graph of boys and girls in our class.
We have another short week this week, with no school on Friday for teacher in-servicing. Please help your child remember their homework folder daily, and go over their completed weekly work sent home on the last day of each week. I hope you remain warm and healthy through the week and weeks to come.